The Butterfly Lion

Title of  Book:
The Butterfly Lion
Image result for butterfly lion book
Michael Morpurgo

Children's Book

The Main Characters is:
Bertie,Millie And The White Lion

Timbavati (Africa) ,England And France

The Book is about a boy called Bertie he lived with his mom and dad. He had no friends one day he saw a white lion. His dad killed the white loins mother so now he wants that loin. He ran to tell his mom but she didn't believe him. Everyday he sits on his tree waiting for that loin. One day he saw that white loin there where dangerous Animals after the white loin. Bertie had to do what he never dared to do go out of the fence around his house. He scared the animals away and Bertie's mother came running after Bertie. And when he is older the loin gets taken to the circus The White Loin gets rescued by Bertie To Find Out More you must read the book

 Lesson from the book :
To Be Brave no matter what

My Feeling about the book is:
I think the book is lovely I recommend you read it!


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